
What Guests Want from Hotel Restaurants


39 million U.S. travelers choose a destination based on the availability of culinary activities, while another 35 million seek out culinary activities after a destination is chosen.

Hotel restaurants, bars and other dining experiences that provide guests with a taste of local culture are perfect for your hotel’s guests, but they’re also an attractive destination for locals. In many cases, it is the rave reviews of local diners, made accessible through social media platforms, that guests crave.

Many hotels have called on famous chefs to set up shop in their venue, but that isn’t the immediate answer for some. Consider creating a menu that showcases local fare, cocktails with culturally- inspired names or even locally-sourced ingredients. Give guests a place to break bread together, and they’ll be sure to linger in your integrated lobby during their stay.

(Left) Franklin Marriott Cool Springs in Nashville, TN

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