
tvsdesign Perspective: Critical Habits for a Full Life of Solution-Finding


tvsdesign Senior Vice President, Operations, Teresa Edmisten, takes a moment to reflect on the values of curiosity and cooperation in a world that rewards a high degree of specialization.


Teresa Edmistentvsdesign Perspective: Critical Habits for a Full Life of Solution-Finding

By: Teresa Edmisten, Senior Vice President, Operations

This morning I participated as a panelist in an event at The 2013 High Performance Building Summit, presented by BOMA Georgia.

This particular session brought together 7 different perspectives: an Asset Manager, Broker, Property Manager, Engineer, Service Partner, Capital Markets Manager, and Tenant. During this unique, Town Hall style presentation, we offered insight on what a high performance building is, and how you can achieve that standard, illustrated by specific examples.

Though it was a Breakfast Club of sorts, it did not take the length of the session to see the common threads that connected each perspective. Tried and true words like communication, value, cooperation, client focus, care and stewardship were the core elements in each presentation.  

At the same time, different perspectives are, well, different.

Emphasis, interpretation of influences, and response to challenges, whether market or situational, enriched the conversation in ways that discussions among peers rarely match.

In an industry, and a world for that matter, that rewards a high degree of specialization we need to remind ourselves of the value of well-roundedness, of curiosity, and of connection to others in our industry and those facing similar challenges in other spheres of influence.

We all benefit from putting down our single threaded microscopes and picking up a telescope or, as in my

tvsdesign Perspective

experience today, a telescope array. These new inputs, new experiences, and new perspectives rightly alter our problem definition and suggest alternative pathways to solutions that make a difference.

Today was a reminder and a reaffirmation that cross pollination in a broad field of ideas is good for betterment and, like exercise, a critical habit for a full life of solution finding – not to mention, fun.

Click here to Learn more about Teresa Edmisten, or visit

